Accelerating Growth Through Culture Change Workshop 

Discover the Pathway to Unlock the People Potential in Your Organisation 

Wednesday, 18th October 
From 09.30 for a 10.00 start - finishing at 16.30 
Pelham’s, Lord’s Cricket Ground, St John's Wood, London, NW8 8QN 
Smart casual 
Refreshments, buffet lunch, and afternoon cream tea provided 

Unveiling the Power of Culture 

Is your culture an unstoppable force for greatness or a well of toxicity sucking energy from everything and everyone it touches? We’ll be diving deep into the heart of what makes your culture beat, and how you can stimulate the blood flow that’s needed for your people to thrive. Crafted to guide you through the intricate art of culture transformation, this event is your gateway to a workplace where inspired teams and unprecedented growth unite. 

Why You Should Join Us 

Be inspired to lead transformative results 
Explore the '3 rules' that will revolutionise your organisation’s culture. Craft an environment that attracts and retains top talent while fostering inclusivity and progress. 
Discover how to navigate and ignite your culture 
Use Insights’ globally renowned methodology to navigate and unlock the potential in your culture. Unearth strategies to inspire leadership and drive monumental cultural shifts. 
Network with experts 
Connect and exchange ideas with a community of professionals and experts. Allowing you to elevate your leadership impact and gain fresh perspectives that spark innovation and action. 

The Workshop Unleashed 

Get ready for an immersive experience with invaluable take-aways designed to deliver rapid results. 
Learn to communicate the value of culture investment with clarity and impact. 
Simple Framework, Lasting Impact 
Embrace our straightforward framework to construct and nurture an exceptional workplace culture
Tools for Transformation 
Equip yourself with powerful tools to steer your team towards positive change. 

Meet Your Guides 

Steve Peace 

A seasoned Learning Development Manager/Business Partner with two decades of experience. Steve is your go-to guru for people and organizational development, wielding expertise across diverse sectors. With an eye for depth and detail, he is a master of turning data insights into powerful actions for growth. 

Wil Payne 

With over 20 years leadership experience in private, public, and charitable sectors, Wil has honed the art of unlocking potential in people, performance and culture. His insight-driven approach has helped to transform individuals and teams from the classroom to boardroom. 

Your Journey Starts Here 

Join us on October 18th at Lord's Cricket Ground, the iconic home of cricket. Prepare to be inspired, equipped, and connected as you embark on a culture-shaping expedition. Together, we'll unravel the code, cultivate growth, and redefine success. 
Just complete the form below and be a part of a transformative journey towards an inspired company culture. 

Join Event 

Together, we’ll unlock your company culture.