How to choose an L&D Provider
Posted on 2nd February 2023 at 11:28
Want to develop your people?
There is an abundance of learning and development programmes to choose from. So how do you know you are selecting the best provider for your needs? Here are a few points to consider before making that all important buying decision.
Choose a provider whose learning and development programme is tailored for your specific organisational needs. Here's how.
Understanding what you want to achieve from the investment in L&D?
A conscientious provider spends quality time with you to understand your organisation, and how you want your people to contribute to goals long before anything is delivered. Prior to being offered a solution, expect expert input to help shape your vision and offer objectivity to identify gaps in organisational capability and performance.
Is the learning solution fit for purpose?
Effective learning programmes are designed specifically around your organisations aspirations and individual learning needs in mind. This requires flexibility in the delivery model as well as access to various methods of learning to maximise engagement. Every client’s goals, environment, and challenges vary – so the solutions should be flexible too. There are many curriculum based and ‘off-the-peg’ courses in the market which provide good generic training. However, these courses won’t get to the nub of the gaps in individual performance or deal with real issues that are preventing people from stepping up. Choose a learning and development provider that have made it their business to understand people and how to get the best out of them.
Are you getting a quality product and value for money?
What sort of organisations has the provider worked with previously? Can they provide you with case studies or put you in touch with organisations who can validate their work? Reputable providers will have no issues answering your concerns and providing you with the evidence which showcases their results. Furthermore, the L&D industry has several bodies providing a standard of practice. Look to see if the organisation is registered with the Chartered Institute for Personnel and Development (CIPD)), International Coach Federation (ICF), European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC). If you still have doubts, consider trying a pilot project on a smaller scale to test the water.
Will the learning stick?
Embedding new performance behaviours is an ongoing process with commitment to see through the change. To reiterate, avoid ‘quick fix’ or ‘sheep dip’ styles of learning. Whilst one-off courses can be highly motivating at the time, the impact is short lived with much of the learning left inside that room. The break from the old routine is always welcome, however, with no one holding your team accountable for applying what was learnt, there remains little to show for your investment. The key to long term, measurable development is to source a provider who will partner with you on a journey and be invested in your success over the longer term.
How will you know if you get the results you wanted?
The best providers take time in the design phase to ensure the objectives are agreed, measurable and have the tools available to collect relevant data to track progress. Measuring the impact of your learning programme should be a part of the service. Evaluation validates the return on investment and provides important insights to the next steps in your development journey.
If you are currently looking for a partner to help you unlock the potential in your people then we’d love to meet with you for a free consultation.
Why not head over to Newland Partners 'Success Stories' and read about some of our L&D partnerships and how they have turned out.
Tagged as: Business Development, Change Initiative, Culture Change, Customer Service Training, Insights Discovery, Leadership Development, Learning and Development, Organisational Growth, Staff Development, Team Building, Team Development
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