What will be your legacy?
Posted on 8th August 2022 at 11:52
“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” Maya Angelou
Emergency and Elective Care Directorate, NHS England
The emphasis of the event was to bring our staff together, make connections, build relationships, have some social interaction, and focus on our health and wellbeing – Rachael Scoley, Deputy Chief of Staff, NHS England
How did you come to partner with Newland Partners?
I first met Steve in November 2021 when I had my Insights Profile done. We immediately hit it off. He has a way of putting people at ease. A series of coaching sessions followed and I am more confident as a result. We invited several people to speak at our event, and I immediately thought of Steve given the theme of the event. Thankfully Steve agreed to be an external speaker for us and to lead the session on ‘My personal development’.

What was the purpose of the EEC Directorate Event?
I work in the Emergency and Elective Care Directorate at NHS England. We’ve had an extremely tough and challenging few years with the Covid Pandemic and general pressures on the NHS Emergency and Elective care Services. The morale of our staff was low, and we felt disengaged as a directorate. As a result, we agreed to deliver a series of 3 away days which took place in December 21, February, and June 22. Due to Covid, the first two events were held virtually. The final event was held in-person at the Queen’s Hotel in Leeds. Staff had told us that whilst they enjoyed the first two sessions, they really wanted to meet colleagues in person.
How did Newland Partners contribute towards the day?
The overarching theme for the third event was around ‘Fulfilment’ – how we can fulfil our purpose and have fulfilling jobs.
Steve’s presentation was full of rich and valuable content. He was very engaging, and staff certainly found his session helpful. Steve also brought a completely different perspective as he doesn’t work for the NHS – it was refreshing to hear. Furthermore, his insight was received positively.
What do you remember about the talk?
A key takeaway for me was Steve’s thought-provoking comments about how we want to be remembered i.e. what is our legacy – and left us with the quote from Maya Angelou ‘People forget what you say, people forget what you do, people never forget how you make them feel’.
Overall, the event was a huge success people rated the event 4.5 out of 5, and 92% of responses ‘agreed’ or ‘strongly agreed’ they would recommend the event to a friend. Feedback suggested that staff really enjoyed Steve’s presentation and learned a lot from it.

"I appreciate all the time, support and help Steve has given me personally – he has a wealth of knowledge about business and people behaviour. Also, Steve is a genuinely nice guy, so when providing me with constructive challenge he does it in a helpful way!"
"I’m grateful to Steve for giving up his time in helping us make the event such a great success." Rachael Scoley, Deputy Chief of Staff, NHS England
If you are currently looking for a partner to help you to develop your leaders and people, then drop us a line.
Tagged as: Public Speaking
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