Our Process 

Our Process 

Choosing the right learning or HR solution for your people that guarantees a return on your investment can be a daunting task. At NP we are here to support and advise you on every step of the journey. 
Our L&D and HR solutions follow Newland Partners tried and tested six step model, so you can be confident of receiving appropriate level of support that will deliver the results that matter to your business. 
A clear direction 
We consult with you to understand your goals and provide guidance on learning strategies for your people. 
Design solutions 
We work with you to  
co-create the solutions and learning content needed to bridge the gap. 
Engage people on the journey  
We involve people from across your organisation to create belief and momentum for change. 
Embed the change 
We deliver learning solutions to bring about the change in mindset and behaviour required to grow. 
Identify the barriers  
We use insightful diagnostics to form a detailed picture of what needs to change. 
Measure and sustain  
We evaluate the impact and feed new insights into opportunities for your continued growth and improvement. 

Powerful Diagnostics 

At NP we use a variety of diagnostics on our learning programmes to inspire your learning. Whether its 360⁰ Feedback, employee pulse surveys or personal profiling we have the right tools and partnerships secured for you to unlock the potential in your people and organisation. 

Our free consultation is an excellent way to discover new solutions to unlock the people potential and performance in your business. 

Call 01522 404075 to discover exactly why our clients choose to work with Newland Partners